About Me

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I'll be 55 this August... I've had bronchiectasis for ten years plus this year... End stage lung disease for the past year...been on oxygen for three years... and have I got used to it yet?... nah! I am now waiting for the biggie; a double lung and maybe a heart transplant. I love my life weirdly enough, because I have some wonderful family and friends who are with me every step of the way on my adventures, even though I embarrass them on a daily basis with my unorthodox way of looking at life. Not for the faint hearted!

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Pass the cellotape for my mouth please

Crap...I've always said if I had a brain I would be dangerous, but I would really like to take one out for a test drive now and again.
I seem to have spent the weekend wrapping and not just Christmas presents, but myself in tangles most of the time.
Yesterday morning it was presents to be wrapped around Jean's house and luckily we got everything done before my time ran out, as I was suppose to be at Chelmsford within 15mins of finishing the last card. I as I don't have a time machine and I'm no longer known for being speedy, I set off thanking the gods for the day I got a car with a built in phone.
I did a couple of quick apology calls up front for being late, until Sam pointed out that I was in fact an hour early as I had got the timings wrong. Ok first mistake of the day.

Evening time it was off to see Mrs Christmas, or commonly known to us as our mate Lynn. There are some people in this world that actually adore everything Christmas and she is one of them, from making her now Christmas cake to putting mini Santas everywhere.
The decorations in Lynn's lovely little cottage have been up inside and outside since the 1st December and in every room including a rather jolly Santa toilet seat in the bathroom!
The whole experience is guaranteed to make you smile...
Which was much needed as the hour before leaving for Lynn's had been a bit fraught as Oliver wanted to ask a few more questions regarding getting everything correct in preparations for getting to Papworth when the call comes, while he was balancing on a chair trying to get my Christmas tree down from my attic.
Where I used to see Oliver on a daily basis when we worked together, we now have to grab any moment we can and as normal when you are trying to have an in depth conversation, the phones keep ringing.
Nowadays if my home phone rings, my heart does still have a habit of leaping into my mouth and tonight it rang dead on cue while I was going through the contact procedure again with him...they will try my home phone first, then my mobile, then his mobile etc... and the pair of us very nearly fainted!
So more apologies to my girlfriends in the car going to Lynn's as it was them who had called me with various questions.
I didn't think I looked stressed, but I must have done so I apologise now for that too.
I didn't sleep well last night again, as I was running through my faults again in my head so it was pretty busy in there.

I'm going for a much needed chill out at a spa tomorrow, which will be my whole 'one night holiday' for 2011!
I brought a voucher six months ago and although I was going to use it in September, things took an unexpected turn of events in my friend's life who I was going with and it has looked like it wasn't going to get used at all until about two weeks ago, when I sold it on for us.
Since then this voucher has been going backwards and forwards and now the voucher is back in my court, so I have been talked into going with another friend and I will try and put all my worries away and enjoy it before it expires next week.
I will need a rest after I've loaded up the car with the oxygen concentrator, oxygen back pack units, nebuliser, drugs, Papworth emergency case and my normal overnight case for the spa.
I won't even be gone for a whole 24 hours, but I might as well be going up Kilimanjaro with the amount of stuff that I'm taking and how my nerves are on edge.
I just long for the day when I can go away with my girlfriends for a whole week and not be frightened of my own shadow.
So if I have upset anyone in this past week because of my jangly nerves, I apologise profusely and for those that I haven't upset, I'll sincerely apologise now, because I'm sure I unintentionally will do before the week is up!
If I have any friends left after I have this transplant, it will be a miracle!

Lots of love Debbie x

1 comment:

  1. Hi everyone, this is Reni, Debbie`s daughter in law, olly`s wife :) just let you all know the reason Debbie has not been here because on the 11th of december she had a double lung transplant. She is at Papworth Hospital, yes where Prince Phillip was, so as you can all imagine if it`s good for the royals , its def good for us :) . it was not a smooth ride, and still a long way to go, but she is a little fighter, so we `re sure she will make a full recovery and will soon carry on entertaining you all here, with probably many more embarrasing stories...well as long as i`m not in it, it`s fine ;) . Any questions, letters, cards, notes are welcomed, we read them all up for her :) thank you all for following her journey, big hug from debbie and us all,
