About Me

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I'll be 55 this August... I've had bronchiectasis for ten years plus this year... End stage lung disease for the past year...been on oxygen for three years... and have I got used to it yet?... nah! I am now waiting for the biggie; a double lung and maybe a heart transplant. I love my life weirdly enough, because I have some wonderful family and friends who are with me every step of the way on my adventures, even though I embarrass them on a daily basis with my unorthodox way of looking at life. Not for the faint hearted!

Thursday, 1 December 2011


I'm beginning to loathe Thursdays, but I don't know what Thursdays have done to me to deserve this ill feeling against them?
When at work, Thursdays heralded the start of the weekend for me with all that Thursdays being the new Friday, a bit like navy being the new black, you know that sort of 'Cosmopolitan' magazine claptrap.
But now, I hate getting out of bed on a Thursday morning and I seem to stomp around in a bad mood all day.
Must run in the family, as my mother was in much the same foul mood at lunchtime too. She wanted to go out again yesterday for a drive or something, but my sister came over late morning and scuppered the plans, so I promised her lunch today.

Once we were at the restaurant that she rather liked last time, mother announced that she should have stayed at home as she didn't like this restaurant and she wasn't hungry etc.
Okey dokey...this wasn't going to be a fun lunchtime.
Neither of our moods got any better, as after 30mins I asked where our meals were and then again after 50mins.
As I am trying to always have a good day with mother, I resisted saying what was on the tip of my tongue 'that she wanted to come out' and tried to keep smiling, but after the orange drink was too cold, the restaurant was too noisy and then the AWOL meals, my smile was beginning to droop a bit.
Actually the food was fine and we were offered desserts on the house as a way of an apology from the management, which I duly asked mother if she had room for apple pie and custard? Which of course she had, until about 10mins later after my coffee had come, when she announced she was full, so why were we still sitting here...ok count to a 100 Debbie.
Then after another 30mins, it seemed her free dessert had gone AWOL too and I'm afraid that was the last straw.
I got our coats on and went to leave just as the waitress turned up with her dessert...
I'm afraid there were no tips left today, only a spoon stuck very unceremoniously in the centre of the apple pie!
I guess old people get dementia for a very good reason and that is I'm ashamed to stay that middle aged daughters have very short fuses at times.
So at least when I left my mother with a cup of tea and her TV on, she was all smiles again and saying that we must do it again soon.
Do I feel a cad? Yep I do.

I really must get over these Thursday sulks, as I am a lucky lady all in all. I hopefully will have another shot at getting a normal life again.
I have a lovely little bungalow which I adore and love buying little treats for it. Yesterday it was new iron as I am a real saddo and I love ironing, even though I nearly screwed it up by leaving the plastic film covering the hot plate and trying to iron with it on...but it all came off, so no harm done.
I also found some old burnished gold letters in my initials D.E.B for my wall and then managed to get another at the same shop 30mins later after I dropped the E and broke it in half. Ever since watching 'Rhona' when I was newly married and seeing her initials on her wall in her apartment in New York or wherever it was shot, I've always wanted to do the same. Now I have Rock & Roll and D.E.B...how lucky am I!?
I have lots of lovely friends that I see, text and talk to daily. Derek is recovering well and is safely at home where he belongs.
I have two gorgeous sons, a sweet heart other and an odd selection of family which some a definitely a lot saner than others, but I wouldn't be with out them .
So why am I always fed up like this on a Thursday?
Any thoughts please?

Lots of love Debbie x

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