Hoorah the snow is actually melting and my oxygen deliverly came today. Was getting to be a close call as was down to one bar on my liquid oxygen unit and probably one more day and I would have to been on the old back up cyclinder which I have at the back of my wardrobe. If it had snowed another week I would have had to stay indoors and no work... shame!!
Plus I was beginning to get fed up of finding different ways to get the liquid oxygen container (or the mothership as I call it) to release the back pack oxygen unit (which you carry) which was now frozen on solid after being filled up... I had tried huffing on it with hot breath after drinking a cup of tea... threading a sock around the joined parts and jiggling the sock backwards and forwards hoping that the friction would melt it... to pouring on hot water, which is probably why it froze on in the first place! I do have an instruction book for my Helios machine, but it's all in Swedish I think.. didn't know that until this week.
Of course this always happens when you are trying to get out to work. Your next trick in the snow is scraping off the ice from your car. Something that would never had worried me years ago, mainly because I admit my ex husband would do it for me, but now ha it's a comic routine! I tell a healthly person to imagine being a car running on six cyclinders and then imagine the car trying to run on two or three cyclinders only... not going to get the best performance are you?Well that us with our knackered lungs.. By the time I've got the ice off, I just what to lay across the bonnet of my car gasping in between swearing like a trooper to get my breath back!
Can't quite see me getting a job as a glamour girl at the Motor Show somehow...
Went for a sports massage again last night as I've had Sciatica in my right leg since Christmas Eve. At least I wasn't biting into the treatment bed this time or whimpering like a baby, so it must be getting better... hope so as I'm scared to drink while on these pain killers! But I woke up this morning and it looks like I have eczema starting in the fold of my arm, hell I haven't had that in years... Strewth, why not just give me a dose of the clap and be done with it!
Never mind think how yummy I'll look in the spring with no hobble, no rash and no weird bobbleless hat which my mother insists I wear to stop me catching a cold... And my swearing which hasn't been as bad as it could have been, due to the fact I decided not to swear as much for my new years resolution, will be just be down to the odd 'bum' now and again... roll on Spring!
lots of love Debbie x
About Me
- Me...Debbie Burden... or known as Burders
- I'll be 55 this August... I've had bronchiectasis for ten years plus this year... End stage lung disease for the past year...been on oxygen for three years... and have I got used to it yet?... nah! I am now waiting for the biggie; a double lung and maybe a heart transplant. I love my life weirdly enough, because I have some wonderful family and friends who are with me every step of the way on my adventures, even though I embarrass them on a daily basis with my unorthodox way of looking at life. Not for the faint hearted!
This blog is genius! I'm hooked! Andrina x