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I'll be 55 this August... I've had bronchiectasis for ten years plus this year... End stage lung disease for the past year...been on oxygen for three years... and have I got used to it yet?... nah! I am now waiting for the biggie; a double lung and maybe a heart transplant. I love my life weirdly enough, because I have some wonderful family and friends who are with me every step of the way on my adventures, even though I embarrass them on a daily basis with my unorthodox way of looking at life. Not for the faint hearted!

Monday, 7 June 2010

Lara wears oxygen

Well the next part of the holiday has arrived... the Airsep Concentrator. According to booklet I can fly, walk, drive a car and do all sorts of wonderful things, but the one thing that is worrying me, is to make it work I have to keep my mouth shut!
Holly crap I haven't kept my mouth shut for the last 53 years so how can I perfect this art in less than a week? Not just stating the obvious that I talk a lot; the other factor is because of growing up with my asthma and a permanently blocked nose, I have always breathed through my mouth. The very nice man explained that to make it work you must breathe in through your nose, it's also very quiet so you can't hear that the oxygen is coming through. But I did read that an alarm goes off it you stop breathing so that's reassuring especially if I fall asleep on the plane wearing it and cause a major panic amongst the other passengers. I can see me getting thrown off the plane over Germany!
I also look like Lara Croft wearing it as you have to wear this little black bag over your shoulder and a battery belt around your waist. Perhaps I should walk or swagger through the airport in khakis, a sleeveless white t-shirt and a pair of Ray Bans? A good look maybe?

I have been told in life by various men that I am too independent which I guess is their way of saying I'm a control freak. And I admit I did throw a wobbly on holiday when everyone disappeared when we were going off to Madeira that day, but it's because living on your own you have to be in charge of your life as you have no one to lean on at the end of the day. I have wonderful friends who would do anything for me, but they can't be there on call night and day.
Before that I was living with my ex who was a fab man and I still love very much, but all the organising came down to me. I had to be a strong woman or otherwise things didn't happen and with two kids you can't let them down, so you always had to have a back up plan. So yes I do stress over little things like tickets, times etc, but I have lost control over my body, that lets me down all the time and if I don't get the hang of this oxygen concentrator, it will have serious consequences that won't be put right by a headache pill and a rest in Cyprus; it could be a stroke or a heart attack.
So please, if I stress out, remember it's hard letting go of your life as you knew it.

Lots of love Debbie x

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