I spent a very pleasant 30mins chilling in bed this morning listening to the birds singing in the promised sunshine.
I haven't heard them singing that much for a couple of weeks now, well not since the gardener that my neighbours and I share cut down the Russian Vine that had grown out of control on my neighbours side. Not only was my neighbour furious with her partner for letting him cut it so low, but the birds were pretty miffed too at being evicted from their nests and showed it by crapping on my windows!
Give young Tom the gardener a hedge cutter and there's no stopping him.
Not sure what angle they were flying past my windows at the time, but I have a couple of lovely displays of their disapproval!
We have both been trying to lure them back into our gardens with extra food and they have started coming back a few at a time.
Went off to get a birthday present for Lynn at Freeport and was just looking at t-shirts when my mobile went off and it was Ruth. Sadie and her had swapped patients and Ruth had got me instead, which was lovely, but I then panicked trying to get back the bungalow quickly so not to hold her up.
The only problem of having physio that early, is nothing wants to shift off my lungs. Actually there isn't as much on my lungs as normal anyway since taking those drugs for those ten days, but I always produce more after I've eaten, especially about 3pm time. This was actually hard work for both of us getting it up, for me coughing it up and on Ruth's arms banging it off the lungs walls.
After Ruth had left for rehab and I had my lunch, my lungs started performing very well! If I eat a slice of bread, then all hell breaks loose or should I say all phlegm breaks loose.
Swings and roundabouts.
I tried to wash the floors in the hall, kitchen and bathroom as well today and nearly ended up on my knees afterwards. I just think that I can do more than I actually can and it's so annoying that I can't. Ruth reckons that I push myself too hard.
This time last year, I was still managing to do quite a lot really, where now the thought of me standing on a garden chair with my oxygen pack on my back back, hacking down the Russian Vine with a pair of heavy old loppers is quite unbelievable, but I did it. Ok I would have to sit still in between, but I could do it and here I am barely able to even change my own sheets let alone do the gardening and that patch of rotting Oriental Anemones that need cutting down is driving me mad.
Patience Deborah or look the other way in the garden instead.
I went to my friend Greta's candle party tonight, and although I swore I wouldn't have anymore parties, I found myself booking another for next month. But they are having the cute metal work snails etc in again next month and we all want another one each for our gardens.
The only problem is with these parties is I live on tenterhooks with all the lighted candles around me while I'm wearing my oxygen. I know that I have to be 3metres away from a naked flame, but I'm crap at distances!
Ah well, I guess I'd know if I was too close.
Lots of love Debbie x
About Me
- Me...Debbie Burden... or known as Burders
- I'll be 55 this August... I've had bronchiectasis for ten years plus this year... End stage lung disease for the past year...been on oxygen for three years... and have I got used to it yet?... nah! I am now waiting for the biggie; a double lung and maybe a heart transplant. I love my life weirdly enough, because I have some wonderful family and friends who are with me every step of the way on my adventures, even though I embarrass them on a daily basis with my unorthodox way of looking at life. Not for the faint hearted!
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