About Me

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I'll be 55 this August... I've had bronchiectasis for ten years plus this year... End stage lung disease for the past year...been on oxygen for three years... and have I got used to it yet?... nah! I am now waiting for the biggie; a double lung and maybe a heart transplant. I love my life weirdly enough, because I have some wonderful family and friends who are with me every step of the way on my adventures, even though I embarrass them on a daily basis with my unorthodox way of looking at life. Not for the faint hearted!

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Scary places

Hello world have you missed me?

Today I learnt the real meaning of true friendship as Julie washed my hair and scrubbed my back and feet in the bath today.
No, it wasn't a try out for an adult channel movie, but that I have been quite seriously ill since Friday evening and today as she helped into my first bath, she was helping me onto the road of feeling human again.
As I felt that glorious feeling of hot water travelling over my back as she poured the water over my head, she was also pouring pure love over me too.
It is then when someone is guarding the soap suds from going in your eyes and washing over your verrucas without throwing up, that you know that your friend will always be there come what may. Not that I have ever doubted it, but Julie I applaud you.

It has been a long hard struggle, with plenty of care and attention from physio team and from my family and friends to get this far to even just to sit at a keyboard.
The stroppy cockle had turned very nasty and I felt Friday night, that it was touch and go of whether I call an ambulance or not as my breathing had become very laboured and I was very scared.
The hospital laboratory was still growing the culture in my sputum on Friday which was now a week old and wouldn't know till Monday, so surely I couldn't phone for an ambulance as it might not be anything, but surely I couldn't feel this ill on nothing, could I?
Come Sunday night I was petrified that I was on my own, but I couldn't phone anyone as it might just be a cold or I was over reacting.
I am now on the same antibiotics that they treat TB with and other antibiotics that they treat other serious chest infections with. So I shan't catch leprosy or run off to France as it cures Legionnaire's disease too!
But I now have wee that looks like I have just been rogered by Freddie Kruger and I can cry orange tears, not that's a party trick I can't wait to show off. I also keep farting non stop, I'm confused when I talk and feel like I've been trampled on, but I am on the mend, as I can sit up without my hands being curled upwards like an old ladies and keep slumping to one side like someone in a coma.

Julie has learnt that she can be assertive when needed, as she got me straight in for a blood test at our doctors when after I asked I was told 'next week'. Julie came in from the garden after talking to them out of my earshot and my knickers, trousers were wiped on and a top thrown over my head and I was in the car before I knew where I was. The blood test was to test my liver ready for these drugs as they are so strong. I held on to Julie like a little chimpanzee when we walked into the surgery, as I was bent over and rolled as I walked and was hanging on to my trousers which were falling down! But job done and she was very polite to all there. Very impressive. My physio was very impressed with her.

This text probably doesn't make any sense at all, as my brain is having to work over time, but I want to thank everyone who has cared for me this week whether it's been in the form of shopping for me or phoning me, you have kept me going. And a special thank you to Julie and Ruth for dragging back from a very horrible place.

Lots and lots of love Debbie x

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