About Me

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I'll be 55 this August... I've had bronchiectasis for ten years plus this year... End stage lung disease for the past year...been on oxygen for three years... and have I got used to it yet?... nah! I am now waiting for the biggie; a double lung and maybe a heart transplant. I love my life weirdly enough, because I have some wonderful family and friends who are with me every step of the way on my adventures, even though I embarrass them on a daily basis with my unorthodox way of looking at life. Not for the faint hearted!

Saturday, 31 July 2010

Guardian angels at work

Isn't it strange how things work out sometimes. Just when you think everything is shifting beneath your feet making you feel out of control again, your friends give you good advice on how to start to put it right, but you have no idea how to put it into practise. Then things shift again and this time they start shifting into place.

I've always believed in guardian angels and this time I think they might have been giving me a helping hand to get things back on track.

One of my friend's husbands told me to go and see my doctor and ask for my medication to be upped or whatever it took to get them to contact my specialist. As they can't do anything now without the specialist's so say and by them contacting him, he would see that I wasn't gallivanting around, but actually struggling. No lies needed, as I am struggling and living a normal life is getting harder by the day. But I didn't want to waste the doctors time and didn't want to whine, which because of my 'I'm fine' smile, smile, has got me in this situation now.
Strangely enough on Thursday the doctor's receptionist called me and asked if I could make an appointment to see the doctor next week. Half an hour later, she rang again and asked to see me the next day instead. Now if that isn't my guardian angel stepping in, then my grand dad is a China man!

And luckily for me the doctors appointment was 10.30am as once again I was awake till the wee hours, this time 2.45am was the last time I looked at the clock before finally falling off to sleep, so I was able to sleep in till 9am.
The doctor wanted to talk about my 2nd sample being full of pseudomona and that the only way was to treat it would be IV drugs in hospital. I explained to her that I was aware all about the treatment, but it had colonized and I was stuck with it, managing it with colomycin as the last IV hadn't worked very well and it was after my last stay in hospital I started life on oxygen.
As she was new to the practise and would be my doctor, she wanted to get to know me and get up to speed about how I was coping in case their was anything that she could help me with. I explained that the lack of sleep was a huge problem for me and how things were harder work just lately, just getting up and dressed for example wore me out. She brought the letter up on her computer screen for me to read and I explained that the holidays weren't the relaxing, regenerating experience that I was hoping they would have been and that I was very confused about his turn about. I asked if I was I being penalised for trying to live as normal as I could?

It does look like I will have to have a short course of tranquilisers to get my sleeping back on track, but she has to ok it with my specialist first, which is why I said things have a strange way of working out and especially is you do things above board. Thank you guardian angel.

Lots of love Debbie x

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