About Me

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I'll be 55 this August... I've had bronchiectasis for ten years plus this year... End stage lung disease for the past year...been on oxygen for three years... and have I got used to it yet?... nah! I am now waiting for the biggie; a double lung and maybe a heart transplant. I love my life weirdly enough, because I have some wonderful family and friends who are with me every step of the way on my adventures, even though I embarrass them on a daily basis with my unorthodox way of looking at life. Not for the faint hearted!

Monday, 15 August 2011

Inspiration comes in mysterious guises

I do find that inspiration comes to you when ever you need a 'pick me up'.
I was worrying that by the time I have my transplant, that I would have become invisible again.
If you don't know what I mean, then you are exceptionally lucky and are probably in a relationship with someone that tells you that you look lovely on a regular basis. But for us single ladies of a certain age, you do become invisible and it's a sad but true fact.
It's as if men have a radar for when young beauties walk into a restaurant, as their heads all come up like little alert meerkats and suddenly they take notice.
We walk in and the heads remain locked in conversation or concentrating on their food without even a second glance. How do they know that I'm over 50?

But today I brought the latest edition of 'Good Housekeeping' and they had the hot list of '100 Fabulous and over 50, ladies' and suddenly I remembered that not only do the likes of Helen Mirren (No;1) Joanna Lumley (No;2) Vanessa Redgrave (No;54) Julie Christie (No; 82), look damn hot on the outside, but their inner sparkle shines through giving them a real sex appeal.
And I unexpectedly remembered that whenever I wasn't trying to impress the opposite sex, I inadvertently did!

Today is weigh-in day and I had pledged to lose 1lb 8oz last week and I did it! So a total of 4lb so far... Yay!
I have noticed that zips are going up easier and even brought a dress in the sale and it was more fitted than I'd normally go for.
I did work extra hard at rehab today, but had to go outside in the yard and do most of my exercises on my own. Not that I was being anti social, though some of the men are real whingers, and nor was I having hot flushes, but simply because this diet is making me fart like a good 'un!
Every time I had to do a squat thrust, I was gambling with my dignity!

Still tonight at the 'tubby club', I was told that this was normal and so was the amount of times that I spent a penny.
In fact our 'leader' was quite excited by it and said that it was a really good sign, but she isn't getting up three or four times a night and weeing like Victoria Falls each time.
Perhaps I will wee myself away and end up like a dried prune?
Somehow Ann had actually managed to lose 5lb 8oz... how? She is the world's worst person that I know of for eating junk food.
I am pleased for her honestly, but when I first said 'well done', it was through gritted teeth... Sorry Ann.
Though once again, it sounds like I'd made quite a few mistakes again. Baked peaches in freshly squeezed orange juice is full of 'syns', but if I eat them as they are, they are fine. Not as tasty, but fine.
Or I could have them as my 'b' choice instead of bread or cereal. This is all so confusing.
If I eat porridge for breakfast, then I should have been eating a Ryvita too. But Ann ate chocolate quite a few times this week too... real chocolate...and lost over 5lb.
Gawd I'm depressed.
Still it's a challenge and I will over come it!

Lots of love Debbie x

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