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I'll be 55 this August... I've had bronchiectasis for ten years plus this year... End stage lung disease for the past year...been on oxygen for three years... and have I got used to it yet?... nah! I am now waiting for the biggie; a double lung and maybe a heart transplant. I love my life weirdly enough, because I have some wonderful family and friends who are with me every step of the way on my adventures, even though I embarrass them on a daily basis with my unorthodox way of looking at life. Not for the faint hearted!

Thursday, 8 September 2011

One tired bunny

A steady day today after yesterday's flurry of being a domestic goddess, sorting out my wardrobe and the boxes under the bed.
I did feel rather lethargic today and decided that I was just going to be steady all day. My nose is driving me mad with this constant dribbling of blood or filling up with blood and snot all the time. It's a vicious circle of a blocked nose, so I blow it, then where the lining is so fragile from all the oxygen use the blowing sets the bleeding off, so then it fills up again with dried blood.
I've permanently got a finger shoved up my nose! I thought I had passed those days in infant school.

Went to see Reni who was back from seeing her folks in Hungary. So good to have her back again not just because she cut my hair again for me today and I felt instantly better for it. It is strange how a simple thing like a hair cut can either reduce you to tears or make you feel so much more assured. Luckily I was the latter.
She is a lovely daughter-in-law and it's so good to have her in the family, as we get on really well. Oliver calls us the ladies that lunch!

I don't think I have a infection, though maybe there might be one brewing I suppose, as I am showing some of the signs. Headaches most of the time, tiredness all of the time, horrible taste in my mouth, but I'm bringing up smaller amounts of phlegm and not to manky in colour, so that's not the usual patter of an infection.
I rather think that I have just done too much over the last couple of weeks and it's caught up with me. I must remember I was retired off for a reason.
A sample would tell, but I've been unable to bring anything up until after the hospital collection has gone.
I also have an annoying twitch in my left eye, especially when I get tired. I'm sure people will think I'm a right old delusional tart winking at people, either that or they think I'm a poor old spinster with a twitch and lives on her own. Hell, I'll start being nice to cats soon!

I was invited to go round to my friends, twitch and all and join them for something to eat tonight. My friend's husband was in charge of the shopping and had been given a strict brief by my friend.
No creamy sauces, only skinless chicken breast and was told something fruity and not too rich for dessert. Bless him he thought that cherry pie was the healthy fruity option.
Oh my... that was soooooooooo damn good.
They did say just to leave the crust, but I'd rather starve tomorrow then let that go to waste. Mmmm heaven.
Won't be getting a weight loss this Monday me thinks.
I'm still tired, but I'm a happy full bellied tired bunny!

Lots of love Debbie x

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