Ooo yuk, I obviously must have eaten far too much melted Gouda last night as I woke up with what tasted and felt like a dead furry mouse covered in cheese in my mouth or of course it could have been my foot from my blunder last night!
Whether it was the melted cheese, the pickled gherkins, the red wine or the combination of all three, I don't know but I felt lethargic for most of the day and the taste is still lingering even after cleaning my teeth every hour, mouth wash and loads of fresh fruit.
Strange day actually today. I couldn't seem to get going for the best part of the day and the weather was so changeable that lunchtime, I snuggled up on the sofa and went off to sleep as I was so chilly and then come afternoon it was really hot sitting in the sunshine. You can never get bored with the weather in England!
My sister and brother-in-law came round to see me after their month long holiday in Portugal, lucky devils as they looked so relaxed and golden brown. They sounded as if they had a lovely chilled out time, watching dolphins playing in the sea, evenings spent eating out in nice restaurants and lying on the beach reading. Jealous? You bet your bottom dollar!
They brought me an unusual silver necklace as an early birthday present which was very kind of them. I wore in the afternoon and now I have a white circle on my chest where it blocked out the sun and the rest of my chest tanned in the sunshine!
I also collared my brother-in-law to put my new shed up for me next week sometime...result! I thought it best not to mention that they advise allowing yourself four to erect it.
I went round to see my friends in the afternoon when I woke up again and realised that I was wasting the day. They got back from Spain yesterday and they were also lovely and brown. Not so relaxed looking though as they didn't get home to the early hours of the morning.
We ended up going to the school fete, as they were just lounging about on the sofas feeling sluggish too.
They pushed me there and then around the school playing field in my wheelchair and I was worried that Greta would hurt her back pushing me over the grass, as I'm no lightweight, but she was very determined.
The school was where all of our children had gone as infant and primary aged and it felt quite weird seeing a lot of their friends there attending the fete with their own children who are now also taught there.
I had even gone there for our district sports when I was in my last year at Hatfield Peverel junior school, which seemed about a hundred years ago now! I think even then I didn't take sport seriously!
It all brought lovely warm memories back.
Unfortunately my friends were sadden by their daughter's memorial garden there , as the sundial had obviously been vandalised at some point. It had been put back together, but not brilliantly. I can see why my friends were a bit reluctant to go to the fete at first as they knew they couldn't go to the school and not look in the garden. What would they feel if it was over grown and unkempt? Claire died with cancer when she was only eleven years old and had literally only just started senior school. She would have been thirty two now.
I met one of Oliver's old school friends there, who went on to take over the family business with her brother. The family business being that of a Funeral Directors. She hasn't changed much at all and was still very easy to talk to though, so I'm going to see her in the next couple of weeks to sort out prepayment for my own funeral.
I had been thinking about it for a while and just in case things don't go right for me, it's always best to be prepared and if I do live to a ripe old age, then the boys won't have to worry either way and I'll get it at guaranteed 2011 rates. Bargain!
I do like being in control.
Oh well I best go and clean my teeth yet again, as that mouse is back!
Lots of love Debbie x
About Me
- Me...Debbie Burden... or known as Burders
- I'll be 55 this August... I've had bronchiectasis for ten years plus this year... End stage lung disease for the past year...been on oxygen for three years... and have I got used to it yet?... nah! I am now waiting for the biggie; a double lung and maybe a heart transplant. I love my life weirdly enough, because I have some wonderful family and friends who are with me every step of the way on my adventures, even though I embarrass them on a daily basis with my unorthodox way of looking at life. Not for the faint hearted!
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